'A Sign bilingual education promotes equal access and entitlement to the language, culture and heritage of deaf and hearing communities. In so doing, it empowers schools and services to provide the means by which their pupils can gain access to communicative, linguistic, cognitive, academic, social and emotional development.'
About Us
We are a group of professionals working collaboratively to promote and support bilingual deaf education in the UK, who believe in the use of British Sign Language and English equally from birth, in order to give the best to deaf children throughout their education and at all phases.

‘Excellence and achievement through
sign bilingual education’
What we do

Our work involves research, development and training across universities, schools and services for deaf children in the UK, as well as developing international links. We also represent the needs of deaf children and their families on local and national bodies.
Our Membership
The Sign Bilingual Consortium has two levels of membership.
1. Full membership - Steering Group
2. Ordinary/Affiliated membership
The Steering Group has an elected Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The primary role of the Steering Group is to agree and lead on the strategic developments for the consortium each year. The Steering Group hold an Annual General Meeting in June to review progress made and agree key strategic priorities for collaborative projects planned for the following year.
Ordinary/Affiliated members are entitled to attend all of the courses, seminars and conferences arranged by the consortium and receive copies of AGM papers. Currently there is no fee to join the consortium.
We hope that you will discover some information on our website that will be useful to you, whatever your background or interest.